Wednesday, April 26, 2006

BB Still on Top!

I forgot to update my blog concerning my recent "fame" on indiemixradio's playlist. They started releasing their playlist and I have been #1 for 2 weeks straight. Last night I also recorded the radio station so I can hear how they introduce my song and I actually got a chill hearing a radio DJ say my name and my song. If you'd like to hear it, visit my myspace music page, the track is up there.


Saturday, April 22, 2006

Hip Hop Summit

I was invited by my good friend Donte909 to go to the Hip Hop summit in order to learn a little more about the music industry and where I need to be. It was very informative as the subject of the summit was making sure to save money. They gave information on how to check your credit score for free, what "Net Worth" is, and it also taught me to basically take this music thing as a business and anyone can be independant thank to th internet. So just as a head's up to all my close friends that I will not be giving away free CDs since I am putting alot of money into this and I need to get compensated in return. It's not me being a d*** or anything, it's just the truth. Like the big boys say, don't take it personal, it's just business. But don't worry, I won't make the CD an obscene amount, I'll go over the numbers and try to offer the best price for my product.

I also was invited in order to mingle with people in the music business and hopefully meet someone who will help me further my career. I handed out I'd say 3 or 4 CDs myself to an assistant A&R from Jive Records, a reggaeton DJ, and also a big time promoter, when my manager (Jen) handed out the rest to them to anyone else who looked important. So let's see where this takes me...

Also, I got a nice little wake-up call ayer. One of the CDs Jen handed out was on the floor with foot prints on it. It bothered me and didn't bother me at the same time. It didn't bother me because I had Jen retreive it for me so I can have another CD to hand out, but it bothered me because if the asshole didn't want it, then he could have just said no. But he had to be an asshole and take it, look at it, see my face, and decide to just drop it on the floor. It's cool though, people like that get nowhere in life. Like it would have literally killed him to listen to my music. Like the second he puts it in his piece of crap sound system he calls a car, he will literally keel over and die just from hearing it.

So yea...didn't bother me one bit...



Wednesday, April 12, 2006

My breakfast tastes a little sweeter knowing this is out there...

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Check out the bottom right pic...

I'm going to pick up a copy of the musicconnection magazine. I mean, this is my first magazine article =)


Monday, April 10, 2006

Bad Boy Entertainment Pics

Donte emailed me over the weekend with the pics he took of myself and Jennifer. I thought I would put it up on the blog as an update. I think they came out pretty good.


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Sunday, April 09, 2006

BB's big night

Tonight is what it's all about...if you recall in my previous post, I told you that I met this DJ, his name is David Diamante. I called him right now and I asked him if he was able to hear any of my songs, he told me that last night he was DJing and the club was just going crazy, so he wasn't able to get it to play, BUT, he said that he will listen to my music today and he will let me know what he honestly thinks of it, and also, he is going to play my song tonight at the club to see what the people think of it. He is going to call me tomorrow to let me know what he thought and also how the people reacted to my music.

It's funny cause tonight is huge for me, but I can't be there to witness what the people think of my music. I would love to be there to see everyone's reaction, but I guess this is what it's like to be a real musician, to have your music play somewhere and you pretty much don't know when and where it's played. I feel a little weird, I feel like a parent in some way. "Escuchame" is a song that I worked my ass off to do (along with my producer) and now it's going out there, into the real world, to either be accepted or denied.

...let's all hope it gets accepted...


Saturday, April 08, 2006

Bad Boy Entertainment Party

The party went pretty well for the most part. I had all of my business cards ready, and I distributed them at the bar. I then hung out for a while and danced with Jen. Donte came at around 12am and started doing his own thing. The highlight of the evening happened when Jen went to put some more cards on the bar for me and a DJ asked her what she was putting down. She gave him a brief description of me and the DJ was interested in meeting me. Jen then got me and I began to describe my unique music style to the DJ. I gave him my CD (as well as his manager) and told him that the first song is what my producer likes to call a "Pop Reggaeton" song that I recorded, the next one was a darker song with a great melody and alot of meaning behind it. And the last was an acoustic song similar to John Mayer's style. He then told me that he will try them out at his club and to call him to find out how it went.

So tomorrow I plan on calling him sometime in the afternoon to find out how the crowd enjoyed my music.

That was basically it...


Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Good Deed!

I had to go out today to run some errands and my last stop was CVS. I noticed that there was a homeless guy outside of it asking for people for change. I also noticed that everyone was ignoring him, and at first I ignored him too. I got out of CVS and headed towards my car, and my gut told me to help him, and I ignored it at first, but I'm always ignoring that feeling and then I regret that I didn't do it later. So I turned around and headed towards him.

BB: How's it going, you hungry man?

Homeless Guy: Yea man, I'm always hungry!

BB: I was going to go to BK, you want me to get you something?

Homeless Guy: Yea man

BB: What do you want?

Homeless Guy: Whatever you can get me

BB: Alright, I'll get you whatever then

Homeless Guy: Alright...hold up... uh, how about a croissant sandwich with ham...

BB: Alright

Homeless Guy: ...and some orange juice...

BB: Ok, I'll get you the whole combo man

Homeless Guy: Alright

... so I buy it, and seperate everything so I can give it to him and head back towards him...

BB: Here you go man, god bless

Homeless Guy: Thanks, thanks alot *started opening everything immediatly*

...and that was my good deed for the day. I am not writing this on my blog to bloat or anything, I just want to be able to read this sometime later and see that I made someone's day a little bit better with my simple gesture.


Monday, April 03, 2006

Atlantic City : The Re-cap

Man, Saturday was soooo much fun! We left at about 12pm or so because Joel had to do some work in the morning, but the trip to there went by so quick. On the way down, I decided to show Joel and Nelly my new song since they always enjoy my new songs, and they did enjoy this new one as well. Joel was a little confused because I said it was supposed to be reggaeton, but his definition of reggaeton was spanish singing with rapping. I told him that it was my twist of reggaeton, that my producer calls it "Pop Reggaeton".

When we got to AC, we went directly to Ceasar's Palace and proceded to the roulette table (which was good since I'm often lucky there) My first bet of the day was on the 2nd set of 12, which is a 3-1 odds. I put down $15 and I won! Then I did some more gambling, but I don't recall blow by blow what happened. Let's just say that I came out even at the end of the night.

Then, when we were finished with Cesar's, we went to the Borgata and gambled a little more, and then had the infamous Borgata buffet. Everything was really really good, I mean, I was eating steak, general tso's chicken, and pizza! When else in one's life would you ever eat that combination except for at a buffet. And the thing is, that the food was really really good. But it did come at a cost.. $27.95. But man, it was well worth it. EVEN THE DESERTS WERE GOOD! was time for the main watch Brian Regan perform...and he was well worth the trip! He was HILARIOUS! And I know a thing or two about comedy, and he was just flowing with his set so naturally. And even when a couple of people yelled out, he had a great response to them. If anyone ever has a chance to watch Brian Regan perform, please go see him. He is still a very humble guy after so many performances, he is a down to earth guy with a wife and 2 kids, and the best thing about his set is that it's completely clean. He is funny without the need to curse. Only a handful of comics can pull that off.

And that was the end of my mini-vacation to AC. It really was fun!


Saturday, April 01, 2006

Day trip to AC!

Well, I'm leaving in about an hour with Juan, Melissa, Joel and Nelly to AC to watch Brian Regan perform at Borgata at 11:30pm. I'm excited because he is my favorite comedian of all time, I can't help but laugh at his act even though I probably heard his jokes like a million time. Also, tonight I am going to experience the infamous Borgata buffet. My brother warned me that it's about $30 or so, but maaaaan, I'm sure the food will be AWESOME! Plus, I just got paid on Friday so I have a little bit of extra cash that I can spend.

Well, that's all for now, I'll try to remember to update my blog tomorrow morning after I wake up from my looooong night of laughing!
